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Insights in the data of one or more companies
Insights in the data of one or more companies

See the progress of a company in Basecone.

Patrick Blijs avatar
Written by Patrick Blijs
Updated over 3 weeks ago

From August 28, 2024, a dashboard with data is available in Basecone: Insights. Read below what exactly you see on this dashboard.

Note: the dashboard is visible to users with the following roles: Super user and/or Accountant.

Filter period

At the top right of the page there is a date filter. By clicking on the calendar icon, you can adjust the filter to a different period, as shown below. By default, the filter "This quarter" is selected, which is selected every time you open the page.

No data available

This means that no documents have been processed for the selected period. Change the period in the filter to be able to see data.

What information is visible?

1. Document status

This is a timeline of the number of invoices per selected time period, divided into three lines:

  • Green = delivered

  • Red = tagged

  • Blue = booked

2. Document tag

The number of documents per tag for the selected period.

3. Document source

This diagram shows the number of documents per delivery method. In Basecone, documents can be delivered in three ways:

  • Email: via the unique administration email address

  • Basecone web: via the Upload & tag screen in the web application

  • App: via the Basecone app

  • API: via the created API link

4. Percentage of documents automatically booked

On the dashboard, you can see at a glance what percentage of invoices have been booked automatically. Are you not yet using automatic booking? Then follow the steps mentioned in this article to activate automatic booking. Then, on the Automation page, use the recommendations mentioned for adding automatic booking conditions.

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