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Audit Report

An audit trail of the all the transactions processed in Basecone

Team Basecone avatar
Written by Team Basecone
Updated over a week ago

An audit report is usually requested per year so that our customers can get an overall overview of all the documents processed in Basecone. The report do not contain only data of one company, but for all the companies in the Basecone environment. 

If you wish to request for an audit report, please contact Support via chat or Please indicate the year(s) of report you would like to receive. For this report, a fee of GBP 150 excl. VAT will be charged. 

This report is generated in an excel sheet and will include the following information:

  • CompanyName

  • ExternalId

  • Company Created In

  • Company Deleted In

  • DocumentId

  • Document name for display

  • Document received at

  • Posting number

  • SupplierCode

  • Supplier name

  • CustomerCode

  • Customer Name

  • Total Amount

  • InvoiceNumber

  • Invoice Date

  • Uploaded by

  • Email of uploader

  • Authorisation Type

  • Authoriser 1

  • Email of Authoriser 1

  • Authorized 1

  • Authoriser 2

  • Email of Authoriser 2

  • Authorised 2

  • Authoriser 3

  • Email of Authoriser 3

  • Authoriser 3

  • Tagged at

  • Tagged by

  • Email of tagger

  • Booked at

  • Booked by

  • Email of booker

  • Document Import Source

  • Document Type

  • Email of the Original Sender

  • First Uploaded At

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