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Basecone app

With the Basecone app, it is possible to upload, authorise and submit expense claims.

Marianne Feijen avatar
Written by Marianne Feijen
Updated over a year ago

In this article you will find information about:

Not using the Basecone app yet? Download it below. After downloading you can immediately log in with your username, password and officecode.

If you do not have this information, request it from the person who added you as a user in Basecone.

1. Logging in to the Basecone app

After installing, when you open the app, it will ask for your username, password and office code once. If you don't have these, request it from the person who added you as a user in Basecone. After this, you create a PIN code, which you can use to log in.

Finally, it is possible to log in via biometric data, this is possible with a fingerprint (Android) or with facial recognition (iOS).

In the image below you see the start screen, where you choose your standard company.

Secure login with Face ID and Touch ID

  • Face ID is only available for IOS users

  • Touch ID is available for both IOS and Android users

This function can be enabled or disabled in the Basecone app when you go to Settings - My app settings. Depending on the settings enabled on your mobile, the setting will appear here. If necessary, check the manual of your mobile phone.

2. System requirements

iOS mobile: Basecone supports every Apple device with an operating system from iOS 14.0 to the newest version. From the iPhone 6s / SE, it is possible to upgrade the operating system to iOS 14.0. (Existing apps used on a device with an OS below 14.0 can still be used, but not updated nor newly downloaded.)

Android mobile: Android offers a large variety of devices and operating systems. Basecone supports every type of Android device with an operating system from Android 8.0. If your operating system is older than Android 8.0, then we recommend (if possible) to update the software to the latest Android version.

Windows phones: The Basecone app is not available for Windows phone.

3. Uploading documents

Every Basecone user with the role Client user can use the Basecone app and submit documents.

Via the app you can find all the documents that were sent in (by app, email and web application). The following are also displayed there:

  • Name;

  • Value (if we have that information in our system);

  • Status;
    - Delivered
    - In progress
    - Approved
    - Rejected
    - Posted
    - Deleted
    -On hold

  • Date it was delivered to Basecone;

  • Tag.

📌If you also have the authoriser role, the app opens from this user role and you need to click on documents at the bottom of the screen to be able to upload from there.

For more explanation on how to submit documents in the Basecone app, read this article.

4. Authorising

To authorise documents via the Basecone app, you need the role authoriser. The costs for this role are € 4.50 (excl. VAT) per month per user. For more information concerning how to authorise in the app, read this article.

5. Expense claims, activate in web application and submit in the app.

If you want to submit expense claims, you will have to activate this functionality in the user settings in the web application. The costs for this are € 3.50 (excl. VAT) per user per month. Read in this article how you can enable this functionality in the web application.

With the expense claim module you can submit two types of claims. A private expense claim or expense claim via (business) credit card. In this article, you can find the information how to submit your expense claim via de the app.

🚀 From the 11th of July 2023 you can now also see, in the app, if a company is archived

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