When is a user visible?
A user is not visible in the user's list if you both do not have access to the same company and a user only sees other users who have less rights. And if the user does not have access to any company, this user will also be hidden in Basecone.
What causes a user to become invisible?
There are several reasons why a user goes hidden. If one of the below action was taken, the user will become hidden in Basecone:
The company the user had access to was deleted in Basecone
The company was migrated/transferred to another Basecone environment
The access of the company was removed by another user
The company was removed from their own user settings
Or something went wrong when the user was created
Steps to retrieve a hidden user
Log in as Super user (or ask a Super user for help)
Go to Settings - Company - Action (edit)
Go to tab Users
Type in the username or email of the user
Control the Access status of the user
Click on No to change the access status to Yes
Control if the user is visible in the user's list (Settings - Users)
📌 You can also use these steps to control if a user is completely deleted in Basecone. Only the Basecone Superuser have the option to delete a user.
See article: How can I delete a user in Basecone?