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How can I delete a user in Basecone?
How can I delete a user in Basecone?

Explanation how you can properly delete a user

Team Basecone avatar
Written by Team Basecone
Updated over a week ago

When a user is not active anymore in Basecone, there is no need to keep this user in Basecone. This article will guide you how to permanently delete a user in Basecone. 

📌 Only a Super user in Basecone has the permission to delete a user. 

A Super user can delete a user when you go to Settings - User and click on the trash-bin underneath the column action. Click here to see how you can do this. If you do not see this option, you do not have the permission to delete a user in Basecone.

Delete a user with the role authoriser

If you are unable to delete a user with the role authoriser, this means there are documents awaiting for approval under this user. Before you can delete this user, re-assign the document(s) to another authoriser in the authorisation overview page. When all documents are re-assigned, you can repeat the steps to delete the user. See article how to re-assign documents: Keeping track of the authorisation process

📌 If you do not have permission to delete a user, change the role 'Authoriser' to 'Restricted client user' in the user settings and contact the Super user to help you delete the user.

  • Is the user setup in the Authorisation flow?

If the user is setup in the Authorisation flow, it will not be possible to delete the user.
Control the settings when you go to Settings - Company - Action (edit) - Tab Workflow. Scroll to the section Authorisation flow and delete the user from the filter. After this is deleted, please try again by deleting the user.

Do I have any hidden user(s)?

When a user do not have permission rights to delete a user, users try to "delete" a user by removing the company access of the user. The result of this is that the user is not deleted and becomes invisible in the user's list. If the user is not visible in the user's list, this does not mean that the user is deleted.
If you are unsure if the user is deleted from your Basecone office, you can control this using this article: Do I have any hidden user(s) in Basecone? If the user is still hidden, I would advise you to make the user visible again and then contact the Super user to delete the user.

Deactivate a user

It is also possible to only deactivate a user so he/she cannot login to Basecone. This can be done in the user settings under the tab settings and at the bottom of the page. At the option 'User active', fill an end date. From this day forward, the user cannot login to Basecone anymore. You can also remove the end date if the user is allowed to login again. Here you can also control when this user was created.

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