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Tagging of Documents

Read more how you can tag, remove tag and move documents to another company

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Written by Team Basecone
Updated over a week ago

When documents are uploaded into Basecone, users with the role (restricted) client user can give each document a tag label. A tag indicates whether a document is a purchase invoice, sales invoice, or another type of document. Some tag labels might not be available for selection based on the connected accounting system.

The available tags

PNV – Purchase Invoice – Recognizing and booking purchase invoices

SLS – Sales Invoice – Recognizing and booking sales invoices

You can use the other tags to store documents in the archive. You cannot post this to the accounting package. Depending on which accounting package you work with, the tags below may or may not be available.

CASH* – Booking a cash register statement, behind which you can add the receipts of your choice.

BANK** – Bank statements that you want to keep, you cannot have bank statements recognized and posted, because bank statements can often be read automatically when you collect an electronic bank statement (MT940) from your bank.

JNL* – Journal – A document that you want to link to a correction entry in your administration

CUST – You can create your own tag via Settings – Administrations, if you are the administrator of the environment. Documents that you provide with a custom tag cannot be booked in the accounting system, but you can save these documents in your own online file, for example to use later for your tax return.

* The tags CASH and JNL are only available for connections with Twinfield.

** The BANK tag is only available for links with Twinfield, Exact and/or Boekhoudgemak.

Bulk tagging

  • Click in the select all box to select all documents and then give them the same tag.

  • Select a document + hold SHIFT + select the last document.

  • Make a specific selection by checking the boxes.

Wrong tag, reject tag PNV, SLS, CASH and MEMO

If you have provided the wrong tag (tags: INK, VRK, KAS and MEMO), you can correct this by clicking on reject in the booking screen. The document will then be added to the documents to be tagged again.

You can also reject the tag in the validation overview. There you make a selection of the incorrectly tagged documents and click on reject at the bottom right.

Wrong tag, reject tag BANK or CUST

If you have mistakenly tagged a document as BANK or CUST, you can restore this in the archive. Place a check mark in the status column and several options will appear. Choose the option remove tag, the document will be restored when tagged.

Move document to another administration

If the document is in the wrong administration, you can easily move it. This is only possible if no tag has been assigned yet.

Select the documents you want to move and click on switch administration. Select the correct administration in the pop-up screen and click Apply. The document is now moved.​

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