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Filters in the authorisation workflow

How do I create an authorisation filter in the workflow, for a supplier and / or amount?

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Written by Team Basecone
Updated over a week ago

It is possible to create and / or use a fixed set of authorisers (before or after booking) using the authorisation workflow. See the article Authorisation flow to see how to set this up.

📌 The authorisation flow is only available for authorisation after booking.

When creating an authorisation workflow, you have the option to choose between 3 conditions to apply the authorisation filters*. These filters are automatically applied to the documents based on the set conditions created for a authorisation filter.
The filter ensures that the document is assigned to the fixed set of authorisers based on the set of conditions created. 

Filters can be created based on the following conditions:

  • A combination of supplier and amount

  • Supplier

  • Amount

Authorisation filter settings of a company

You create a maximum of 25 filters per company in Basecone when you go to
Settings > Company > Actions (edit) > tab Workflow and scroll down the page to Authorisation filters. To be able to create a filter, a minimum of one authorisation flow must be set up first. Per authorisation workflow, you can set a maximum of 3 authorisers.

Note: If a document do not meet the conditions of any of these filters, the default workflow after booking is applied. This is only applicable when there's a default flow setup under the option 'default workflow after booking' field (see image below).

For each company you will see all created filters in the Workflow tab, in the overview with filters the following is shown per filter:

  • Filter name

  • The flow name associated with the filter

  • The conditions of the specific filter

Per filter you can see which suppliers are selected, if there are multiple suppliers selected, you can see the number. On the right side you can view the condition of the amount. You can also create filters with conditions based on supplier, amount or a combination of these two.

The priority of these order is:

  • Supplier & amount

  • Supplier

  • Amount

Create a new filter

By clicking on the Add button, you can create a (new) authorisation filter. A lay-over screen will appear on the right side of the screen. Fill in the following data:

  • Filter: give this filter a recognisable name

  • Description: a description for which documents this filter applies (optional)

  • Authorisation flow: select an authorisation flow

  • Condition: select a minimum of 1 condition. You can choose between amount and supplier here. If you want to create a filter for both, add each one individually. Enter the criteria for the amount first and then select the applicable supplier(s).

Filter for amount: Choose one of the options below to apply the filter:

  • Amount is greater than or equal to

  • Amount is greater than

  • Amount is less than or equal to

  • Amount is less than

  • Amount is within the range of amount 1 and amount 2

  • Amount is equal to

You can also select the desired currency here. The currency is synchronized from the accounting system. After saving a filter, it is applied to all documents still to be tagged. In the Workflow tab it is also possible to adjust existing filters via the edit option, or to remove them via the trash can. Before you can delete the filter, a warning message will appear first in the screen to confirm the deletion. 

Filter for supplier: here you can select one, multiple or all suppliers and save this as part of the filter. The suppliers are shown on alphabetical order based on the supplier name. After a filter is saved or you want to edit an existing filter, the saved suppliers are shown at the top of the list below so you can easily view which are selected and/or deselect them. You can scroll through the list of suppliers and view per 20 suppliers.

Options to select suppliers are:

  • Manually search and select the supplier

  • Select all suppliers (with the select-all option)

  • Select all suppliers (with the select-all option) and then manually select a number of suppliers.

Filter overlap

Filters can only overlap each other if they are in a different type of filter (supplier & amount, supplier and amount) or when the same conditions are used.

If filters are created or deleted, Basecone immediately checks for any overlap. If there is an overlap, the filter cannot be saved and an error message is displayed. The error message describes with which filter there is an overlap (the filter name).Adjust the filter before you can save it again. Click on the red pen and you can immediately see which suppliers or amounts overlap, that way you can easily see the overlap and you can adjust this easily.

See the article FAQ - the authorisation filters to find the most common questions. 

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