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External migrations Do It Yourself! Receive a company.
External migrations Do It Yourself! Receive a company.

How do I receive a migration of a company in Basecone myself?

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Written by Team Basecone
Updated over 2 years ago

With the user role Superuser you can receive (migrate) one or more companies, including archive, from the current Basecone environment to your environment.

You can only receive companies within the same accounting package. Therefore it is important to complete the migration in the accounting package first.

You can only receive the migration as a Premium environment and finally, we only transfer documents, not users.

New environment

Go to Settings > Companies and click on + Migrate companies to get to the Migration overview menu. In this overview you can see all past and future actions that you can perform for a migration as a Superuser.

In the Migration actions tab, select Import one or more companies to my Basecone office environment and click Next, you will now arrive at the checklist. Read this carefully.

You can then start the migration with the transfer code received by e-mail. If you have not received the code, check our FAQ.

Pay attention!! Do not add the company directly from the accounting package, otherwise you will not be able to select the available company during the migration. Basecone can only contain 1 unique combination of company code/company name at a time.

Enter this transfer code here. To start the migration, you must agree to our terms and conditions and the costs for a migration. The costs will be invoiced to you as a new Basecone office environment. After that, click on Next.

You are now in the overview with the companies that are offered for migration. Select here the company that you want to transfer to your Basecone environment.

If necessary, you can still reject the application here. The previous owner will receive an email of this rejection, they will also see in the overview of migrations in Basecone that the migration has been rejected.

After clicking Next, you will arrive at the screen where you select the accounting package and company, to which the company (that will be transferred) must be linked.

First you must select the correct accounting package, after that you will see a list of available companies. Here you can select the company from the accounting package, and possibly the changed company code.

This is why it is necessary that the migration is done first in the accounting package. If this did not go well, you can always perform an internal migration as a Super user.

After selecting this, choose Start migration. The migration will now run in the background. The previous owner will also receive a confirmation email.

The Migration overview will show the migration, with the status Processing. When the migration is complete, the green status Complete is displayed here. The companies including archive have now been transferred. Check is everything has been transferred correctly, such as the archive in Basecone and the links in the accounting package.

You still have to give yourself and other users access to the companies. You can do this via Settings > Companies > Actions (edit) > Users tab > Set access to Yes.

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