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Spread revenue booking in Basecone

Read more about spread revenue booking in Basecone (Twinfield, Exact and Boekhoud Gemak & Multivers)

Patrick Blijs avatar
Written by Patrick Blijs
Updated over 3 years ago

Earlier, it was already made possible to do a booking with the option Deferred costs. In the following article, you can read more about that option:

For now, this functionality is only available in Twinfield, Exact and Boekhoud Gemak & Multivers companies. If you are using another accounting system and you want to make use of the functionality spread revenue, please reach out to us.

This article will cover the following topics:

  1. How to activate spread revenue in the booking screen

Enable spread revenue in the company settings

Before you can use this functionality in the booking screen, the setting must be enabled first in Basecone. This functionality is disabled by default.

A user with the role of Super user, Accountant or SME Accountant can enable this per company when you go to Settings > Companies > Actions (edit) > tab Settings and scroll down to the total bottom of the page to Enable spread revenue.


For companies connected to Twinfield, change the setting from No to Yes. Click on the box Suspense account to select a ledger code.

Exact and Boekhoud Gemak & Multivers

For companies connected to Exact and Boekhoud Gemak & Multivers, change the setting from No to Yes.

Don't forget to save this.

How to activate spread revenue in the booking screen

When the spread revenue setting is enabled in the company settings, the option to use spread revenue will be visible in the booking screen. When you click on the checkbox 🗹 to select the spread revenue, an additional line will appear. Here you can indicate the start date (from) and end date (to) on which you want to spread the revenue.

📌 It is only possible to spread revenue to a maximum of three years;
previous year, current year and a future year.

After the invoice is booked with spread revenue, the accounting system will automatically divide the revenue over the periods selected in the booking screen.

If you save this as a posting rule, the spread revenue is also saved and the fields From and To will appear again next time the supplier is selected. However, you need to manually select the dates before booking it.

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