Every company in Basecone has a unique Basecone e-mail address where documents can be sent to be delivered to Basecone.
Sometimes there is the need to change this Basecone e-mail address so that the e-mail address is more recognizable and personal. There are a number of possibilities for this:
Change the Basecone e-mail address
Forward e-mails from your own e-mail address to the Basecone e-mail address
Change the Basecone e-mail address
The unique Basecone e-mail address is structured as follows:
The part before the @ cannot be changed. The part after the @ can be changed. The Support Team can request a domain name for this. The following points are important for before this can be changed:
The costs to own your own domain name is GBP 7,50 (excluding VAT) per month per office environment. This will be changed for all the companies in this office.
Basecone claims the domain name
This domain name must be unique (it cannot infract the brand or company name of other companies or organisations
In order to adjust the e-mail address, we would like to receive a signed request form. You can then send this request form to the following e-mail address: basecone.support@wolterskluwer.com.
Forward e-mails from your own e-mail address to the Basecone email address
It is also possible to have documents automatically forwarded to the unique Basecone e-mail address of a company from your own e-mail address (invoices@company.com). For this you need to set a forwarding system in your own e-mailbox. How this works exactly depends on your e-mail provider, your IT department or system administrator can help you with this.
Depending on your e-mail provider you can also choose to keep a copy of the forwarded messages, then control regularly whether the limit of your e-mail inbox account is not exceeded. If the limit is exceeded, new messages may not be forwarded.
Forwarding from a Gmail account
If you want to automatically forward documents from a Gmail account to an e-mail address of a company in Basecone, it is necessary to confirm this forwarding with a confirmation code.
After you have set up the e-mail forwarding system, you can easily look up the confirmation code yourself in Basecone. You can do this by clicking on E-mails in the left menu in Basecone. If you search for "forwarding" in the From field, you will see the confirmation code mentioned in the subject of the e-mail. The confirmation code is in the subject behind the (#.
You can then enter this code in the Gmail screen below. Please go to Settings and then to the tab Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.