After the release of Thursday, 22 October 2020, it is possible for a SuperUser to delete an unused connection of an accounting system. In this article, we will explain how to do that.
Deleting companies
To be able to delete the accounting system, it is necessary to delete all the companies of the connection in Basecone first. Before you do so, please read the next paragraph. If you want to keep (one of) the companies as a demo or an archive company, then you cannot delete the accounting system connection in Basecone.
Please pay attention to the following before deleting a company
If a company is being deleted, you cannot consult the documents in this subscription anymore. Neither in Basecone nor in the accounting system. In the Netherlands, companies have a duty to store the documents, digitally, for a certain amount of years. Take this into account, also that this can exist in other countries. You can store your documents in 2 ways:
Download the documents yourself, see this manual. (Note: option 2 could be more suited when downloading a lot of documents)
We can make a data dump of your companies for a fee of GBP 50, which includes up to 10 companies. For this, the Super user needs to send us a filled in assignment form. This form needs to be send to
After making sure you have secured the documents, you can delete the company by going to Settings > Companies > Actions > clicking on the small trash can on the right of your screen.
Error message if companies are not deleted yet
If the companies are not deleted yet in the accounting system, you will receive the following error message:
You cannot click on the button 'Delete accounting system'.
Deleting accounting system
If all the companies in the accounting system are deleted, then you can delete the accounting system. You go to Settings > Office > Accounting System. In the column Actions, on the right, you can see a trash can:
After clicking on this trash can, you will get the following screen to confirm deleting the accounting system:
Click on the button 'Delete accounting system' to confirm.