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Extra information on UBL posting rules
Extra information on UBL posting rules
Patrick Blijs avatar
Written by Patrick Blijs
Updated over 3 months ago

Good to know

Below we talk about PDF posting rules and UBL posting rules.

PDF posting rule = when the document is uploaded in PDF-format. Via Settings > Administrations > Actions (Edit) > Suppliers > Adjust posting rules.

Advanced posting rule = when the document is uploaded in UBL-format (PDF + XML or Embedded PDF). Via Automation > UBL posting rules.

  • Both purchase and sales invoices in UBL-format are supported by this functionality.

  • If there are no UBL booking rules yet for the supplier in question, the invoice will be read based on the VAT percentage

    • First save at least one UBLposting rule for that supplier to save the posting rules according to the information in the XML.

  • Saving UBL posting rules during posting only works with article codes. Doing the posting based on VAT-percentage with saving posting rules, then only the first posting rule will be saved.

  • Tip: Is it a new supplier? Tag the invoice > add the supplier > click Reject by placing the invoice back under To be tagged

    • Create at least one line based on item code

    • Tag the invoice again > complete all fields > check Save booking rules > post the invoice.

  • A supplier has either a mapping based on VAT percentage or based on article code.

  • It is not possible to merge articles to one posting rule.

  • The UBL Posting Rules are not synchronising with the accounting system.

  • It is not possible to map the fields in the headers with UBL posting rules.

Scenarios saving UBL posting rules

The supplier/customer is known and immediately recognized

The supplier/customer has already been added to the administration and is immediately displayed in the Basecone posting screen after tagging. Complete the following steps:

  • Go to Automation > UBL booking rules > + New rule > Select whether you want to apply the rule to a purchase invoice or a sales invoice > Select whether you want to group the UBL invoices based on VAT percentage or item code

  • Then save at least one posting line

  • Upload a UBL invoice in Basecone

  • The posting rules will be read based on how the XML invoice is drawn up

  • Select the "Save posting rules" option and post the invoice. All posting rules are now automatically saved with the advanced posting rules of the relevant supplier/customer.

The supplier/customer is known, but is not directly recognized

  • Upload a UBL invoice in Basecone and tag the invoice

  • Make sure that the supplier/customer is immediately recognized. Use eventually the following tips how to do this.

  • Click Reject so that the invoice returns to To tag in the workload matrix.

  • Go to Automation > UBL booking rules > + New rule > Select whether you want to apply the rule to a purchase invoice or a sales invoice > Select whether you want to group the UBL invoices based on VAT percentage or item code

  • Then save at least one posting line

  • Tag the invoice again and the posting lines will be read based on how the XML invoice is drawn up

  • Select the "Save posting rules" option and post the invoice. All posting rules are now automatically saved with the advanced posting rules of the relevant supplier/customer.

The supplier/customer is new in the administration

  • Upload a UBL invoice in Basecone and tag the invoice

  • Add the supplier/customer and save the correct master data. Use eventually the following tips how to do this.

  • Click Reject so that the invoice returns to To tag in the workload matrix.

  • Go to Automation > UBL booking rules > + New rule > Select whether you want to apply the rule to a purchase invoice or a sales invoice > Select whether you want to group the UBL invoices based on VAT percentage or item code

  • Then save at least one posting line

  • Tag the invoice again and the posting lines will be read based on how the XML invoice is drawn up

  • Select the "Save posting rules" option and post the invoice. All posting rules are now automatically saved with the advanced posting rules of the relevant supplier/customer.

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