Good to know
Below we talk about PDF posting rules and UBL posting rules.
PDF posting rule = when the document is uploaded in PDF-format. Via Settings > Administrations > Actions (Edit) > Suppliers > Adjust posting rules.
Advanced posting rule = when the document is uploaded in UBL-format (PDF + XML or Embedded PDF). Via Automation > UBL posting rules.
Both purchase and sales invoices in UBL-format are supported by this functionality.
If there are no UBL booking rules yet for the supplier in question, the invoice will be read based on the VAT percentage
First save at least one UBLposting rule for that supplier to save the posting rules according to the information in the XML.
Saving UBL posting rules during posting only works with article codes. Doing the posting based on VAT-percentage with saving posting rules, then only the first posting rule will be saved.
Tip: Is it a new supplier? Tag the invoice > add the supplier > click Reject by placing the invoice back under To be tagged
Create at least one line based on item code
Tag the invoice again > complete all fields > check Save booking rules > post the invoice.
A supplier has either a mapping based on VAT percentage or based on article code.
It is not possible to merge articles to one posting rule.
The UBL Posting Rules are not synchronising with the accounting system.
It is not possible to map the fields in the headers with UBL posting rules.
Scenarios saving UBL posting rules
The supplier/customer is known and immediately recognized
The supplier/customer has already been added to the administration and is immediately displayed in the Basecone posting screen after tagging. Complete the following steps:
Go to Automation > UBL booking rules > + New rule > Select whether you want to apply the rule to a purchase invoice or a sales invoice > Select whether you want to group the UBL invoices based on VAT percentage or item code
Then save at least one posting line
Upload a UBL invoice in Basecone
The posting rules will be read based on how the XML invoice is drawn up
Select the "Save posting rules" option and post the invoice. All posting rules are now automatically saved with the advanced posting rules of the relevant supplier/customer.
The supplier/customer is known, but is not directly recognized
Upload a UBL invoice in Basecone and tag the invoice
Make sure that the supplier/customer is immediately recognized. Use eventually the following tips how to do this.
Click Reject so that the invoice returns to To tag in the workload matrix.
Go to Automation > UBL booking rules > + New rule > Select whether you want to apply the rule to a purchase invoice or a sales invoice > Select whether you want to group the UBL invoices based on VAT percentage or item code
Then save at least one posting line
Tag the invoice again and the posting lines will be read based on how the XML invoice is drawn up
Select the "Save posting rules" option and post the invoice. All posting rules are now automatically saved with the advanced posting rules of the relevant supplier/customer.
The supplier/customer is new in the administration
Upload a UBL invoice in Basecone and tag the invoice
Add the supplier/customer and save the correct master data. Use eventually the following tips how to do this.
Click Reject so that the invoice returns to To tag in the workload matrix.
Go to Automation > UBL booking rules > + New rule > Select whether you want to apply the rule to a purchase invoice or a sales invoice > Select whether you want to group the UBL invoices based on VAT percentage or item code
Then save at least one posting line
Tag the invoice again and the posting lines will be read based on how the XML invoice is drawn up
Select the "Save posting rules" option and post the invoice. All posting rules are now automatically saved with the advanced posting rules of the relevant supplier/customer.