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Assign authoriser(s) for before booking

In Basecone it is possible to work with authorisers. How can you best set up this process?

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Written by Team Basecone
Updated over 10 months ago

Before you can work with the authorisation workflow, you must first create a user with the role authoriser and another user with the role authorisation administrator. These roles can be created by the super user in the user settings.

Present document for authorization before booking by (limited) customer user

When a document has been delivered, a user with the role (limited) customer user must tag the document [INK] or [VRK]. After selecting a document and clicking on INK or VRK, Basecone displays the screen below. It is possible to assign a project, cost center and one or more authorizers. The user with the customer user role can then click Tag.

The option to assign authorizers is only shown when it is set to mandatory or optional in the workflow.

Authorize documents before booking via the web application

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning the authorizer receives an email containing the documents that have been ready for more than 48 hours with the status to be authorized.

The authorizer then logs in to the Basecone web application and goes to the authorization screen. This can be done via the workload matrix or by immediately clicking on the authorization screen. There the Authorizer has the option to approve or reject the documents. Multiple documents can be authorized at the same time.

💡 An authorizer also has the option to add a comment to the invoice before authorizing it. This is only possible if you authorize the documents one by one.

Authorize documents via the Basecone app

When the authorizer uses the Basecone app, a notification is immediately sent, if push notifications are enabled.

Rejecting a document for posting

If the authorizer rejects the invoice, a comment is required. If the invoice is rejected when authorizing the booking, the invoice without a tag will be returned to the documents to be tagged. Based on the comment made, the person tagging the invoices can then assess what to do.

An authorization is automatically registered in Basecone with the authorized document by means of a comment in the document timeline.

After authorization, the invoice is ready for the accountant and/or SME bookkeeper user roles to process towards the accounting system.

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