If an invoice has a payment reference, this can now be included in the booking transaction. In the booking screen of Basecone, a field is available where you can indicate the payment reference (see the image below).
In this field, you can enter up to a maximum of 40 characters including space.
Tip: You can also use the standard labels or copy the text of the invoice in this field.
Click here to read more about the standard labels available in Basecone.
How to hide the field 'payment reference' in Basecone
If you do not want to use the payment reference field, you can hide the field by going to the settings of that company. Only users with the role of superuser, accountant or SME accountant can change this when you go to settings > companies > actions (edit) > tab setting. You will find the setting enable payment reference field for purchase invoices. By default this setting is enabled. Change it to No to hide this field.
How to enable settings in Twinfield
Before you can use the payment reference field, this will need to be enabled first in Twinfield. You can find this setting when you go to General > Company > Transaction types and then you can select purchase invoice / sales invoice.
The payment reference is indicated in Free Text Field 2 in Twinfield. To enable this, the free text field 2 must be set to allowed like the image below. The header and text must also be selected.
If the payment reference entered in Basecone is also used as part of the payment description, an additional setting needs to be set in Twinfield. You can do this by going to (Twinfield classic) Accounting > Pay & Collect > Formats, select the pay format code. Then you can select free text field 2 as a payment description and click on save.